Small Intestine Transplant Hospitals in India

Bowel or small intestine transplantation is done in person who failed to absorb the required nutrients from the food. It is usually caused by the syndrome known as short bowel syndrome or when the bowel is not functioning.

In small intestine transplant, the diseased portion of the small intestine is removed and replaced with a healthy small intestine from a donor. This procedure of small intestine transplant can be lifesaving for patients as the lack of function of the small intestine can worsen or even become life-threatening.

There are specialized small intestine transplant hospitals in India in performing transplantation surgery on patients for those whose recommended treatments are failing.

Role of Intestinal Plantation

Best small intestine transplant hospitals in India provide specialized treatment procedure for the people who develop complications due to intestinal failure.

Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)

Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) is a method of therapy consider for patients whose bowel is unable to absorb the nutrients from the food they eat.

In this procedure, a person is given nutrition by placing a central venous catheter placed in one bigger vein in the arm, neck, groin, or chest. This type of method can be able to meet the required calories. Although patients on TPN may live for several years, it is not advisable for long-term use of TPN, which may lead to a severe complication or can be even life-threatening. Infections, liver failure, bone disorders, running out of the central vein line are some of the possible complications. Small intestinal transplant is the only possible solution for intestinal failure for long-term and better results.

Types of Small Intestine Transplants

After a detailed assessment, the team comprising of best doctors from the top small intestine hospitals in India determines what organ(s) are required for transplantation procedure. It may be recommended to undergo either one of the following small intestine transplants:

  • Intestine only
  • Modified multi-visceral transplant including all organs except the liver
  • Combined liver and intestine with pancreas transplant
  • Full multi-visceral transplant including the stomach, duodenum, pancreas, intestine and liver

How is small intestine transplant performed?

Small intestine transplantation procedure starts with the living donor and cadaveric donor. It is performed under the general anesthetic, and anthologist will review the condition of the patient closely during the small intestine transplant.

In the case of the living donor, if it is a good match of the donor, a part of the small intestine (about 200cm) is removed and implanted into the recipient.

In cadaveric donor small intestine transplant, the intestine comes from a brain-dead donor. Here, reputed surgeons at the small intestine transplant hospitals in India will use the entire length of the intestine from the donor. First, the blood vessels will be connected, and once the blood flow is re-established, intestinal anastomosis is performed to maintain the continuity of the digestive tract. An ileostomy is performed to bring out a section of small bowel through an opening out of the abdominal wall called a stoma. The stoma is also used to biopsy intestine regularly to monitor for evidence of rejection.

Small Intestine Transplant Recovery

After the small bowel transplant, the small bowel recipient will be kept under observation for several days and is closely monitored by the physicians. This is to check if the recipient is showing signs of organ rejection, infection, or other complications.